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Shattering, then reShaping my Shades of Gray

Each time I drop into the deep silence of my meditation, I give thanks to the spiritual Gurus I trained with i.e., Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and most recently in India Baba Ramdev. It is through them that I witnessed the manifested spirit of the Messenger, and the infinite power of the message. The message is the call from within that summons the best of you through silence and stillness.

Meditation I learned, is not inner mumbling and simple mood making, but it is a scientific shift of energy, that when done regularly changes the essence of who you are, and who you can become. It has underscored my professional work ( e.g.. in substance addiction, ADHD, HIV/AIDs, obesity, ageing and such) for the last 40 years. Personally it has always been my most precious companion . Thus, it was my immediate “go to” place following my accident, and is continuing to sooth those painful parts of me lingering from the fractured pelvis.

Each bodily system benefits from the consistent practice of meditation. In addition to receiving several holistic hands-on healing methods (many of which rendered from my dear sisthas and brothers here in Atlanta) I have had to ingest intrusive medications that threaten to tarnish my spirit. Through meditation I restore my spirit and combat the depression that I know can accompany long periods of being out of balance.

By delving deep inside I stimulate dopamine,

serotonin and other neurotransmitters that allow me to peacefully come to terms with the bone mending and its related discomfort. The deeply layered cortisol stress build-up from pain, starts to crumble as I sink into my serenity. Feelings of doubt (“I’m too old to recover solidly from this”) disappointment (“why is this happening to me, the one whose so committed to creating health & happiness through physical activity, in myself and for others”) and depression (“this is all too much & I don’t want to deal with it”) would begin to erode my spirit if I didn’t meditate.

In that theta healing state of consciousness I experience light. My brain waves dissolve those debilitating thoughts lifting my spirit, and softly reshaping my shades of gray.

Meditation helps me to see and continue to receive the light at the end of the tunnel. You are a part of that light, please continue to stay with me on this journey, and I will continue to…breathe into believing.

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